Robotics and A.I.

Introducing Joel Wright, Co-Founder and CEO of Based in New York, is an enterprise SaaS platform that’s reinventing talent acquisition and retention through the use of artificial intelligence.

Joel Wright

Tell us about your business and who your customers are.

Sinecure is an AI-powered platform for talent discovery. Our customers range from midsize to enterprise organizations whose talent acquisition (TA) teams demand precision, speed and predictability in the recruiting process.

How did you get started?

My co-founder and I saw the TA space was rife with inefficiencies. The industry needed a fresh approach so we developed AI-powered products to solve many of the challenges TA teams face on a daily basis.

What were some of the biggest hurdles you had to overcome? What has been your biggest accomplishment?

We’ve collected over 230 million candidate profiles and billions of data points - with a platform of that scale there are always challenges. Our biggest accomplishment has been achieving $1M in revenue in our first year, which is a testament to how well our solution works.

What motivates you each day to do what you do?

I like solving problems. Finding great talent is hard for many organizations and finding a great job can be difficult for candidates. Our mission is to improve the hiring process through tech innovation and that will lead to successful outcomes for everyone. That’s what drives me and what drives the Sinecure team every day.

What are the top 3 tips you can share to inspire other fellow entrepreneurs?

Be resilient, never take no for an answer and most importantly, have fun!

Anything you can share about TaxTaker and our work?

TaxTaker made a promise and they delivered. That is rare in this world!

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